Healing Helen – offer ended

Custom-designed yoga and soul healing to

deliver you into your perfect balance




Do you want to:

Delve into your soul purpose?

Keep relaxed but still make changes in your life?


Analyze the energetics of your spiritual business ideas?


What I help you to do:


  • Rebalance your emotions and thoughts as you step into your balance at soul level shown by your Soul Realignment psychic reading

My healing makes transformation a fun and happy experience, boosting you up and showing you how wonderful you will feel when you implement changes! At the start of the program the Soul Realignment psychic reading enables you to know yourself as a spiritual being and release all soul-level blocks and restrictions that have been holding you back.

During the healing program I uphold the energy and vision of the person you know you can be inside yourself at soul level. Being immersed in this healing energy will motivate you and keep you moving along towards your goal, without it you can find it too easy to stay in your old habits and not move forward into your new way of being.

I bring in healing energy from places of unconditional love that support, nurture and assist in your own self-healing too. The feelings and thoughts that come along with this healing are from pure places of love that work for your highest good only! Woo hoo 🙂

Together during the coaching sessions we analyze your akashic records to work out what business ideas can be successful for you, in alignment with your soul’s highest divine good! This will allow you to make a big step forward and eliminate a number of trial and error steps that make progress slow.

lotus flower

What do you gain when you work with me?


  • A set of Yoga practices tailored to your strengths at soul level, your preferences and areas of support needed.

We move you smoothly into your new choices and mind set.

The sessions are fun and flexible to fit into your lifestyle as you want.

I use a variety of different teaching styles and methods so that you can select what works for you at different times.

  • Space and trust for you to feel at ease and confident.

To make changes you will have to work through areas in your life that are painful so this helps to give you confidence to go inside yourself without fear of criticism or judgement.

Too easily we see judgement from other people in society and so we don’t follow through with our plans for fear of being rejected or ridiculed. In this program you will receive healing with compassion and love.

Normally messages from society and media tell us to “want this” or “want that” but rarely do we get chance to be free to realize what we actually want beneath all that advertising and “noise” in the world. The healing space I provide gives you the ability to tap into your own unique creative abilities and see clearly what you want.



So what does the program consist of?


  • There are 12 sessions over 3 months that comprise the custom-designed healing program.
  • A Soul Realignment Psychic reading
  • 9 custom-designed soul healing sessions based on your perfect balance at soul-level.
  • 2 personalised coaching sessions to follow up your progress with your action points from the Soul Realignment AND to analyze the energetics of your spiritual business ideas.
  • Written notes to assist in following the Yoga programs.
  • Sessions are completed easily by Skype or in person at my house.
  • Support daily by email (responses will be quick but always within a day)  as you will be a VIP healing client!
  • Everyday Yoga video training course

How can I sign up for my custom-designed healing program?


This healing program is offered to you at the regular investment price 


Healing program  value $1494



I’ll be in touch to arrange the first session at a convenient time vis email.
Jennifer Sanders
Balance On Purpose
PS.  I also provide a 3 month payment plan using Paypal to make it even easier to get started!

Balance on Purpose 3 month program
Number of payments 3
Start payments At checkout
Due* Amount
At checkout $532.00 USD
Every 1 month (x 2) $531.00 USD
Total   $1,594.00 USD
* We calculate payments from the date of checkout.
Sign up for

Please note the total price with the 3 month payment plan is $1594